Cisco IOS-XR Telnet and SSH configuration
Cisco IOS-XR Telnet and SSH configuration Every network node must be remotely managed. This can be either out of band, meaning you are coming to the node via a network dedicated to management traffic only. Or inband, which is over the same port and links [...]
Cisco IOS-XR OSPF single area
In this demo, we configure OSPF single area between an XR node and IOS node. It is assumed that you are familiar with the IOS config syntax, therefore only XR part will be shown. Configuration RP/0/0/CPU0:XRV_R1(config)#router ospf NL_LAB RP/0/0/CPU0:XRV_R1(config-ospf)#area 0 [...]
Cisco IOS-XR Basics
For most of us, working with Cisco means Cisco IOS. A syntax and CLI we are familiar with, a way of configuring we have learnt from the majority of books and materials. But when you start looking at Cisco ASR and NCS platforms, and especially if you [...]